Meet Carla from Warriewood Health Shop

News| 20th March 2024
Meet Carla from Warriewood Health Shop
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Did you know we will be running A pop up store located outside Priceline Pharmacy from the 24th - 29th June? Come and see what we have to help you live a happier, healthier lifestyle.

Tell us a bit about yourself?

Hi, I'm Carla, one of the owners of Warriewood Health Shop, an independently owned family business. We've been an integral part of the centre since the beginning, and our family has proudly been serving the community for 27 years.

What do you love most about the centre/community?

We've had the privilege of nurturing incredible bonds with the members of our community. Over the span of 27 years, we've witnessed the growth and evolution of not just our business, but also the lives of those who walk through our doors. They're moments of connection, where stories are shared, advice is offered, and genuine friendships are formed. It’s a small community and we love it!

What do you enjoy the most about what you do?

One of the most rewarding aspects of what we do is hearing our customers' success stories. Knowing that we've played a part in improving someone's health and well-being brings us so much joy. There's a profound sense of satisfaction that comes from knowing we've contributed, even in a small way, to someone's journey towards better health and well-being.

How does Warriewood Health store differ from everyone else?

At Warriewood Health Store, we really pride ourselves on going the extra mile. When customers come to us seeking guidance, we don't just offer a one-size-fits-all solution. Instead, we take the time to listen attentively to their concerns, understand their health objectives, and consider any specific preferences or restrictions they may have. Armed with this information, we draw upon our extensive knowledge and expertise to recommend the best options available.

What is your best seller?

While our best seller can vary from month to month, currently, our top-selling product is Celtic salt.

That's Interesting, can you tell us some of the benefits of Celtic Salt?

Sure, what sets Celtic salt apart from conventional table salt is not only its distinct flavour profile but also its exceptional mineral content and purity. Harvested from pristine coastal regions using traditional methods dating back centuries, Celtic salt retains a rich spectrum of trace minerals essential for overall health and vitality. This includes minerals like magnesium, potassium, and calcium, which play crucial roles in supporting hydration, nerve function, and bone health.

We look forward to welcoming you and the opportunity to assist you on your wellness journey!

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